Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of new daycare

Well day 1 is done.  It was easy for him, not so much for me.  We got there for 7:45 and after putting his things in his little cubby we went to the big room to play until snack time.  Jackson thought it was fun, but he was quiet, he played with some toys and wasn't quite sure what was going on I think.  Snack time was at 8:15 and was cheerios and bananas.  Jackson had a few cheerios and then just wanted to watch the fish in the fish tank.  I wonder if I hadn't been there if he would have eaten more, or if he would have been ignored.  It was stressful for me, he seemed ok.

After snack time we went to play in the toddler room, he enjoyed that, they have a lot of trucks to push around, and a kitchen to cook in, plus a set of stairs and a ramp to go up and down.  When the third worked arrived it was time to change bums and get the kids outside.  It was pretty much 10 by then and so I left once he was playing outside and happy.  I returned at 11:20 which was a bit before lunch was done.  He again wasn't really eating, and it concerns me. I'm sure if he is hungry he will eat, but he is a slow eater and there is not time for slowness at this place.  I had picked up a burger and fries for my lunch (bad on many levels) but was glad to have a few fries to give him on the ride home.  He went up to bed when we got in, and fell asleep quite quickly, with a bottle, which he drained.  So he was hungry and/or thirsty.

I hope tomorrow goes well.  He'll be there all day and I'm not sure how nap time will go.  There are no bottles so that will be a change for him.  I worry about him being lost in the shuffle of kids, hopefully they pay some attention to him and he manages.

It was a little frustrating for me because the actual dirctor was not in, I liked her. Her replacement is not as good.  And I have no idea how to arrange payment, or how much I'll be paying, or anything like that.  And it's quite annoying.  I called my city worker when I got home but of course she's off on holidays for 2 weeks... so what now?  I don't even know what to do at this point, I guess I have to wait and see, but it's frustrating, I have things budgetted to a penny and now I'm screwed... Once we get through this it'll be fine, right? 

I did not get up early enough to exercise, or even shower lol.  I will have to start showering at night I guess, and getting him up a little earlier than I did so he has time to eat properly.  I really hope this gets better for me, and that he continues to not cry!

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