Sunday, July 31, 2011

the haircut

My little boy was born with a lot of hair.  He's had about 6 haircuts up to today, 3 at hairdressers, and 3 by me.  He's always been really good about it, sits still and likes to watch, tries to see what I'm doing.  Today was a completely different kid.  He flipped out!  I mean he was screaming crying, sobbing.  It was not fun, and I felt bed doing it but I thought after the first swipe with the clippers he'd be ok, but he wasn't. Of course then I had no choice but to finish!  He does look adorable but all evening it's been yelling at the chair he sat in for the hair cut, saying "baby crying" and "bad Mommy".  I almost wish he couldn't talk lol.  He was very tired, so I'm sure that contributed to the meltdown.  He was very tired all evening, and very mad at that chair lol.  I had to put it away so he couldn't see it any more.  He fell asleep pretty quickly though, so hopefully by tomorrow we'll be ok.  And perhaps we need to do haircuts a little more often, or let him grow it out?  :-)


bunintheovenplease! said...

hmm - I hate hair cuts too!

DannieA said...

mmmmm so sorry :( I want to let my daughter's hair grow, however, I think before that, I may have to trim it as when she came home she had a bald spot that now has hair but it's definitely making her hair uneven.

Andrea said...

Yep. Definite meltdown. I always thought my niece would do that any time that her hair was cut since she thinks WAY too much about things. Surprisingly, she never had a problem.

My mom would usually take advantage of me when I was home for a visit or work and have my niece sit on my lap during a haircut or trim just to help out but I don't think it was ever really necessary for her.

My mom did get a little zealous one time when the niece wasn't being overly cooperative and the niece did end up with a shorter haircut than planned but she ended up looking really cute. She did get more frequent bang trims so maybe that helped too.