Saturday, May 4, 2013

What a day!

The weather is finally lovely and so we have been busy outside.  This morning we went and picked up 20 bags of soil for the backyard garden.  Then we had to get all of that into the backyard.  We went back out to pick up a few perennials, brought those home (along with some donuts) and went back out to take the dog to the dog park to run around.  My exercise for today, carrying 20 bags of 9kg of soil to the backyard, one at a time.  And walking around the dog park, chasing a dog and 3-year-old.  Phew!

When we came home from the dog park we had a late lunch and then Jackson went out to play with the neighbour kids in the front.  He had a lot of fun and is getting really good at his balance bike.  He was pretty upset when it was time to come back in but he did.  He was very tired, had a little rest on the couch while I made dinner, didn't eat his dinner, then wanted ice cream.

Speaking of ice cream, the ice cream truck came around while the kids were all out front.  First time for Jackson and he loved it.  I guess I'd better make sure to have a few bucks around the house from now on!  He ate about half of the ice cream, mama got to finish it ;-)

After dinner we went back out to the front but there were no kids, so we came back in and he had a snack before we were supposed to go up to have a bath and bed.  He saw the neighbours in their backyard, got upset, so I told him he could come back out to play after he was clean.  He finally agreed.  We went up, did the bath and put him back in clothes.  Then back out to the backyard.  At 8 I told him it was time to go in, he started screaming and throwing a fit.  The neighbours took him over the fence, and fed him a hamburger.  I went over after I fixed the screen door (unrelated to the fit throwing, it simply fell off).  He played tag until 9.  Not that he knows how to play of course, but he had a lot of fun and did a lot of running.  Fingers crossed he sleeps in tomorrow!  But it's not that likely. 

I am really going to miss these neighbours, they are very good to us, especially Jackson who likes them.  I really hope whoever moves in is as good and fun.  Jackson will make friends no matter what, he has no difficulty talking to new people and playing with them, he watches and then joins in.  Me, I have a hard time talking to new people but for his sake I do it.  Amazing what children push you to do that you never thought you could. 

Tomorrow will be another busy day.  We'll be putting the soil in the garden, possibly planting some seeds.  I'd like to do another dog walk and then of course there will be more playing outside. I also have a few loads of laundry to do, and meals to plan, prep and cook for.  It will be busy, and long, and hopefully the end is better than tonight (ie he goes to be before 9!).

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