Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lovely weekend, sick baby

The weather this weekend is pretty amazing.  It's hot and a bit humid but sunny and would be nice to get out to the park, for a walk, maybe a bike ride.  But here I am at 6:40 and my baby is asleep and has been for about an hour or so already.  He has a fever and while it comes down with Advil quite quickly I hate to keep him on medicine all the time, I believe a fever has a purpose and if he is still drinking, and able to sleep, I don't want to medicate him. I gave him a dose this morning so we could get a few things done, and because he was whiny and didn't want to sleep but was sleepy.  We got our groceries done among a few other things, and have been just hanging out watching TV, movies and relaxing.

My plans for the weekend had been to bike to the park this morning and then this after to go for a "ride" on his new balance bike.  But here I am with my kid already asleep, totally not used to him being up there so early. It's been over a month since we moved his bedtime to 8 from 7, and even longer since it was 6:30.  So I just don't really know what to do with myself!  I have some silly tv show on and am thinking I might have time to watch a movie from my PVR. Interesting thought. 

I guess it's good he's sick this weekend, we have plans for the next couple so we'll get this over with and move on.  But he can't be sick this week because I have to go to work on Tuesday, there are some big changes coming at work and I am concerned about what my job and future will be like.  I really need to be there, so he has got to be up for daycare!  Hopefully this fever is just a couple days of misery and we'll be back to healthy by Monday. 

Speaking of daycare, Jackson is moving up to the preschool room June 26th.  I'm sure he's ready but I'm not sure I am!  It'll probably take him a week or so to adjust, it might take me longer.  The preschool room has new teachers, a new schedule, and a ratio of 1 teacher to 8 kids instead of 5 like in the toddler room. But it also has bigger toys, big kid toys, more room in the play yard, more kids to play with, a lot of them he knows from the toddler room, and I imagine the potty training will really pick up.  He has been doing really well with that at daycare but we are still having a lot of accidents at home, I'm going to need a new area rug when this is done :-)  It will be interesting to see how I adjust lol, the preschoolers are usually outside still when I come to pick him up.  That will change in November as my office is moving further from the daycare, but for now it will be interesting to try and get him to leave that fun.  I might just adjust my schedule to add half an  hour at the end of the day, and be able to leave 2 hours earlier on Fridays... we'll see!

Well we have some vomit now, I think from the fever more than anything.  It's been two weeks since I had the flu or food poisoning so I can't imagine this is the same thing, but you never know.  But he's going back to sleep, I tried to get some Advil in him but I think that might have set off the throwing up, so I'll wait to try again.  Big sigh. 

I have been looking at the area I want to buy a house in, it's not in the same city technically so the subsidy I have for daycare wouldn't be the same, however they do have a program there that I might qualify for.  And there seem to be home daycares that are a big less than around here.  They also have daycares in the schools, I believe more than just before and after care so that would be great for a number 2, drop them both off at the same place, pick them up at the same place.  Close to home because it's a small town.  But it is a little more French than I'm used to, I don't speak French at all though it would be wise to learn given my job and the fact I still want to move up.  And it would be good for Jackson to learn, and easier in such a community and in a French school.  But that also scares me a bit.  Sometimes I think I'd like to move back to the smaller town near my parent's but I wouldn't have the same job there so it's not really an option.  Not right now any way. 

And in the T42 front, I still have weight to lose before I want to try, I have days where I wonder if waiting another year would be good.  As it is I'll be 38 when number 2 arrives, what is one more year?  But I know that it gets harder and I know my mom went through menopause earlier, and my sister who is 5 years older than me is starting... so that clock is ticking.  I will be getting tests done later this summer, after holidays and such, and hopefully I will be another 15 to 20 lbs lower, closer to goal.  Closer to "healthy".  I have been working on working out, and on eating healthier, more veggies, more lean meats, less carbs, less sugar and refined crap.  For Jackson too. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!

Just found your blog after searching for single mom blogs and thought I'd drop a note to say 'hi'. Looks like you're somewhere in Canada? I'm in Toronto!

I've added you to my list of blogs to follow - hope you're enjoying the summer!
