Saturday, September 10, 2011

Crazy week

Well this week has been a little bit crazy.  Jackson started his new daycare on Tuesday and I'm not entirely sure how happy I am about it, but we'll give it some more time and see how it goes.  The first day was more overwhelming for me than for him, he seemed to do just fine, and I picked him up after lunch so he didn't nap there.  Wednesday seemed to go well, he slept there, but he was Starving when I picked him up, and ate a huge dinner. It seems there are a lot of distractions at meal times, there are 3 tables of kids eating, and a fish tank right there to watch, plus they eat at little tables in proper chairs, not strapped into a high chair, so he can easily get up and wander around.  Everyone tells me he'll get used to that and I hope he will, because dinner is later now than it was, it takes us longer to get home and then I still have to get dinner on the table, so we eat about half an hour later than we were.

He's also going to bed earlier, he is very tired, and they nap earlier in the day. It works for me really lol, since it means I get some "me" time after he goes to bed, all very nice.  And with him in bed at 7 (though not asleep until closer to 7:30, I have time to do one of my 20 minute workouts, and have a shower, before the "good" tv starts at 8 (I really need a pvr lol).  He isn't sleeping very well, I think it's been hard on him with the changes, and getting used to it all, his little mind is working overtime sorting it all out, and he also isn't eating as much during the day so wanting more milk at night, plus they don't do bottles there so he isn't getting as much milk, and he's also very thirsty at the end of the day, so I'm not sure he's getting enough water either, I mean to ask them about that next week.

It's been stressful for me too because I still haven't sorted out the payment!  I was told by the city I'd pay the daycare, the daycare says I should have paid the city... no one wants my money I'll happily keep it!  The director for the daycare is back on Monday so hopefully she can help me get it sorted out, and then I'll know what I'm actually paying each month as well!  That has also made things stressful for me. 

Then my car... on Thursday I got to my car after work and went to start it.  Nothing happend. No clicking, just nothing! Now my car has automatic lights, you can't accidently leave them on, so there was no reason for a dead battery!  But I have CAA so I called them up. Then I called my sister, because I had to go get my kid at the new (not right across the street from my house) daycare, and my parents, because I am totally broke and if I needed a new battery I couldn't afford it. By this point I was in tears, and as I was talking to my sister she asked what it did when I turned the key, so I climbed back in to try it again, and it started!  Reluctantly but it started... so I told her I'd call her from the daycare, and then called CAA to cancel the call, and off I went. The A/C was on and it stopped working about half way there, so I knew there was still a problem, and I was right.  I got to the daycare, put the window up, turned it off, and the automatic locks wouldn't work.  So tried to start it again and it was dead, again.  I called everyone, again, and went in to at least tell them so they'd keep him happy until I could get him. 

My sister met me at the daycare, took my car seat, and Jackson (who was not happy about the situation, he knows her but not that well) and off she went.  CAA showed up at the same time, and gave me a boost, the guy said based on what the booster thing said it didn't appear to be my alternator, so if it was the battery he could have CAA come to my house to replace it, and the person who would come do that could make sure that's what it was.  And I'd only have to pay for the battery, no labour or anything.  (So glad I got CAA!).  So that was great, the car was running, and the battery charged up, so off I went home to wait.  My sister brought Jackson back to me after he had dinner with her and her kids, and then the CAA guy showed up.  Oh, and the one who gave me a boost?  He lives at the end of my street and I see him every morning leaving for work... small city?  :-) 

The guy who came, checked everything out, showed me all the printouts from his little computer machine, and said the battery is fine, should last me two more years, the alternator is fine, and the starter is fine.  He lubricated things and tightened things.  It seems my battery died because I do "stop and start driving" and "short trips"  Seriously, his little computer printed that out... I still think it's way too sci fi for me, I mean the battery told him that?  Scary stuff.  So he told me to drive longer... ok... and that was that! 

All in all, it made for a hectic day.  And the next day when I dropped Jackson off at daycare, he started bawling as I was leaving.  Which made me cry all the rest of the way to work, and feel horrible for changing daycares and all of it.  I am determined to stick with the new place, I know in the long run it will be better for us both, and my bank account, but it is hard to change!  Hopefully by the end of next week everything will be on track and running smoothly, and we'll both be happy for the change.

I still haven't decided what to do about paying the old daycare, she feels I still owe her two weeks, I am considering paying her for one, and even that feels generous.  Everyone I talk to tells me not to pay her, but I don't want to burn bridges, or piss any one off.  The contract says I owe her a month's notice, but it also says she'll be closed for 10 days, and she's taken that and now got 7 more booked!  Which is the reason I about faced and decided to take the subsidised spot.  Technically she broke the contract, so to me the whole thing should be null and void, but I'm sure she doesn't feel that way.  All in all, a frustrating situation and one I will be glad when it gets resolved, and happy to not have to pay as much so I have an emergency fund (in case the battery really does need to be replaced!)

We're supposed to go to the Baby Boom Show this weekend, but Jackson has a cold, from the new daycare germs, so I'm not sure I want to take him out.  And I'm broke so can't buy anything any way, but there's usually free samples of things :-)  And I do love my free stuff!  lol. 

Ok, novel written ;-)  if anyone reads it lol, and I guess since he's napping I should go and clean something, or exercise, or move my butt or something.  Here I go!

Oh, one more thing lol, I won a prize on momstown, for their birthday contests, so I have a new picnic table for Jackson, it's really nice and way bigger/better than I could ever have afforded.  Kind of neat!  I won a prize from them last year as well.  I wish I had such luck with lottery tickets...

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