Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not much to say

Life is pretty good for now.  Money is tight, paying double daycare fees for the month was difficult, and I was very bad with my budget.  But we're managing, and things are good.  Well, Jackson has been sick, he woke up coughing the other night which lead to him throwing up, all over me... ah the joys of kids :-)  I had to have a shower at midnight lol, but he finally went back to sleep and was ok in the morning.  Today however he woke up quite sick, fevered and coughing.  So I kept him home today.  And he went back to sleep until 10am!!!!  So he was not feeling well, but he seems to have improved over the day.  He had a good afternoon nap as well.  He did not want to go to bed tonight, but a warm bath helped and he did eventually fall asleep.  Hopefully he's better tomorrow and we're back to normal.

We had a swimming lesson on Sunday, it was pretty good.  He did not want to let go of me, and has a fear of the water that he didn't have when we did lessons at 6 months.  I didn't know that the work on the pool meant if I changed in the ladies change room that I would have to go out and around, past all the kids on their way to hockey, and the parents having coffee and fries, in my bathing suit, to get to the pool the lessons are in... so next time we'll change in the special change room so I can save that embarrassment.  I couldn't even let him walk because he was barefoot by that point... sigh... I'll know for next time I guess! 

Not too long til it's Thanksgiving.  We're going to my parent's of course.  It'll be a nice long weekend, and hopefully the weather is nice.  We are probably going apple picking.  It should be fun, and having my parents there to help corral him will be helpful.  He does love apple trees, well the crap apple trees we see when we go for our walks.  He loves trees.  He loves going for walks too.  I feel a bit bad we haven't been to the park much lately, it's a bit of trek to get to, and it gets dark so much ealier now!  Hopefully the weather is nice this weekend and we can go in the afternoon. 

Any way.  Still thinking of number 2, but really enjoying my little boy right now, he is a lot of fun, and learning so much.  He loves to play, and is showing an imagination.  Life is pretty good. 


DannieA said...

I'm waiting for #2 right now....but I agree with you. Life is good with our kiddos around the 2 year old mark.

Heather D said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one crazy enough to think of doing this single mom thing with two :) I was so sure, even a few months ago, that two was the answer, but I really like our life right now. Two year olds are fun! A lot of work at times lol, but a lot of fun :) I'm quite sure I'll still go for it before too long though, If one is fun, two must be more fun right? lol