Monday, August 8, 2016

Vacation week 2

One week of vacation is done and we are on to week 2. So far we've had more good times than bad but still have some moments when we both lose our tempers, and I should know better. I have been trying to keep calm, make things more playful. Sometimes it works, but I know I need to be in a good frame of mind to begin with, if I am tired and it's hot and losing it already, I have a hard time switching to that playful mood. Getting better though, I think any way!

He's been doing swimming lessons, 5 down, 4 to go. And he seems to be getting it! Crazy. He did one level in the preschool levels so many times. Now he's in swim kids and voila, he can swim! I elected to put him in the regular class, there are 6 kids in there. 4 boys and 2 girls. He is the youngest boy, but is holding his own and I think it helps that there are 3 other boys who are doing really well too. The two girls, well I'll be surprised if they pass to be honest. We went swimming yesterday as well and he practiced a bit and then also jumped in with a life jacket on. I still feel like I have water up my nose. But I survived. I cross my fingers he passes. We will decide whether he wants to do another set of lessons once we know that. If he doesn't I think we'll try some extra practices just us. See if it helps or not.

Yesterday we got a fish. A betta. And a tank and all that stuff. Jackson loves it. It's in his room and he's so happy to have a pet in there that won't attack his toes. We thought it was dead yesterday because it was hiding right beside a plant and not swimming around. But apparently that's what they do actually. I ordered one more plant and think we need another lower one for him too. He's very pretty, and hopefully he lives awhile! No name other than Purple Boy at this point. I'll suggest a few tomorrow and see if he goes for any. I'm still not sure why I said ok lets get a fish then. I was thinking a gold fish or something, but this guy seems easier actually. And he can't have any friends, so no asking for more fish any time soon! Honestly, I'd love a big salt water tank, but the work, the cost, the work... too much! This little guy will do. He is a bit scared of us right now but I am sure he'll figure out we're the food bringers and be happy to see us soon enough.

The plan this week is two days of daycare, Thursday and Friday. But he may go on  Wednesday as well. He misses playing with his friends since I don't play right. What can I say? I don't follow orders so well when playing. We do play games, and with some toys. We have also been doing that pokeman go thing, for fun. We don't really know what we are doing but he likes to catch them so we go for walks and try to find them. The first time we went out it was so hot. Two hours of walking, with a stop at the park to play. Ugh. I've been getting lost of steps in though, we don't walk that fast but we get the steps in and I think it counts for something!  I have not been doing the yoga I wanted to do, I'm so tired! I haven't been getting 8 hours of sleep. See I should be in bed already! But I'm not. I just want some "me" time after he's in bed, which is happening by 9, which is so late for me on a good day, so then I stay up until 11 and feel like crap getting up at 7.

I've been taking a prenatal, and added magnesium as well. It helps me sleep (also keeps me regular ha ha) and I've read it's good for pregnancy stuff. I realized I have many books on fertility and have been reading them all. Also have two more from the library on the way. I still haven't gotten a call for my appointment! I wish they'd call so this can get rolling. Shouldn't have waited so long.  I feel like I'm taking a lot of pills, and yet I'm sure there are more I could be taking. Prenatal, CoQ10, Omega 3s, vitamin C, B100 complex, probiotic, Ca/Mg/Zn combo and if we don't get out in the sun I take vitamin D as well. Oh, and now the magnesium too. I've been taking my BBT every morning at the same time, fitbit alarm helps with that. My normal temperature is low, like below 97F, and I think that is a sign of something not right. I have blood work to get done this week so perhaps it will shed some light. I suspect my thyroid is low or something. It's not like there is a reason to be really cold when it's so hot outside. And I am not sleeping with my mouth open. I did get an ovulation cross bar on my chart which was nice to see. Hopefully I am still ovulating!

I'm also feeling a bit sad. I won't be able to go on a trip this winter. Not if I'm actively trying or soon to be. With Zika buzzing around the places I'd be wanting to visit it just doesn't make sense to risk it. I will have to wait, and then travel with a baby and kiddo. I know it's possible, and I can do it. Certainly I'm not worried about travelling with Jackson any more. He knows what to do and gets it. Baby would add in a new dynamic, but I suspect we could manage something. Travel is on hold, but also held in my dreams. I do love cruises.

I think I will go to bed now. I may actually be able to fall asleep!  And hopefully stay that way all night long... fitbit is also good for tracking that, all the wake ups and tossing and turning I do. Could be worse, but at least 20 minutes a night of it. Most nights more. Oh well! Off to dreamland for me.

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