Monday, September 30, 2013


Basketball was a failure.  We tried one more time but it was a disaster, he wouldn't leave my side to play. So I pulled him out and we'll try again another time, perhaps in another year.  It is odd, since starting school he has been really cuddly.  He wants to spend his time snuggling with me, and no one else will do. Even when my parents were here, he wanted me to read stories and put him to bed. Every night he fights going to bed and wants me to come up and snuggle longer. Now don't get me wrong, I love cuddles with my boy, but it's getting a bit strange and I am sure there is something behind it, but I'm not sure what.

Today we got the first note from the teacher, apparently while playing at the sandbox Jackson hit another boy.  I know he gets a little more aggressive when he's tired.  So I'll chalk it up to that, and hope we get it better. We talk about using words instead of hands, and read books like "Hands are Not for Hitting".  But man this little boy has a temper. I know I do too, so perhaps he comes by it honestly. Whether genetics or example, I can't say. I do try and hold my temper, do all the things you are supposed to do, but I can be an aggressive driver and it comes out then.

Had a pet emergency last week. Came home to find blood all over the floor.  At first I thought it was one of the cats but then the dog was limping and had a bloody foot.  He had ripped one of his nails off, man they bleed a lot!  Called up the vet, they could see us right away, so I picked up Jackson quickly at daycare and rushed off to the vet.  That was costly.  Just that day I had been thinking I really need to have more in savings for emergencies.  Now I know I need to, so debt repayment is slowing a bit so that I can save and not need to use that for vet visits and things like that.  But it sucks any way. Poor puppy has a sore foot, took antibiotics and pain meds.  The bandage, which cost money of course, fell off before we got home. I rewrapped his foot twice before I gave up. I will say though, walking in the door to so much blood was not something I want experience again!

So bedtime, what a difficult thing. He knows the routine, but for some reason, now instead of going to sleep, he come out to find me and wants to snuggle.  But he doesn't really want to, because when I try he gets all antsy and can't sit still. Eventually he settles down and finally goes to sleep.  It is an earlier bedtime than it used to be.

Other than the earlier bedtime, and time after work before I get kiddo, I am not sure I made the right choice sending him to this new daycare/school situation. I think he's ready but not. It's all just a little much for me, and him. Big changes and we are adjusting but it's difficult. I am sure it will all work out fine, but I have to say I wish I could win the lottery so I could home school.

I hope to have my debts paid off, credit improved and a down payment by 2015, when I should be able to buy a house.  I wish I could buy one right now but I know I need to wait, have no choice but to wait. Two years isn't that long, right?

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