Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sick baby

Jackson is sick again.  He work up last night with a pretty bad fever, and it took awhile to come back down.  He was up for awhile, and we both got little sleep.  But he seemed fine this morning.  Then he didn't eat anything all day except for some strawberries.  And his milk.  He loves those bottles of milk lol.  His fever came back this afternoon, and he didn't nap well.  So I got him to bed early, but he woke up after a couple hours sleep, and now is back to bed for the night.  I hope. 

He had an ear infection about two weeks ago, took his antibiotics, with difficulty, but now I think it's back.  So it has me worried, and wondering.  Are antibiotics the best choice?  The research all seems to be mixed, some say give them, some say don't.  I do read about giving probiotics with the antibiotics, so I'll be getting some of those too.  It just worries me because it's like he didn't get better, so they don't seem to have worked the first time, does he need stronger ones?  More doses?  It's so hard to know.  I will be calling his doctor tomorrow and hopefully getting him in to be seen. 

Having a sick child is really hard.  They can't tell you what's wrong so you are left guessing to a certain extent.  I mean I can tell when he has a fever, or a runny nose.  But the cause of those things, and the other symptoms he can't express, are what worry me.  Does his ear hurt?  I'm not sure, he's been tapping his head with his palm, like an "it hurts" movement, but is it a headache or an earache?  Or just nothing.  He had a messy poop, but he hasn't had any real solids in two days, so that's kind of understandable.  And probiotics would probably help that. 

And of course when toddlers are sick they don't understand why they don't feel good, and why they're so tired, why they can't play all day like they are used to.  So they get even crankier, and fight you on going to bed and sleeping.  It's hard.  It's hard when they don't eat, when they are so little, they can lose weight so easily.  He is a big boy, and he normally eats well so I hope that when he feels better he'll get back to his weight.  I can't even think of things to offer him that he will eat, and even that isn't working very well.  Even water is being turned down.  But he is drinking his milk so I feel a bit better because of that. 

Hopefully tomorrow we'll find out if it's still his ears or something else.  And if he is put on antibiotics again, I'm asking for it to be twice a day instead of three times, three just doesn't work for a toddler.  And we're going to get some probiotics, xylitol too if I can find it.  Anything I can do to make him healthier and happier I will do.  Anything for my baby!

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