Sunday, June 5, 2011

Da da

I've read some books on single moms, that explain how to deal with the daddy question.  And they are great, and I'm sure I'll use the advice in a few years when he really starts to understand.  But for now... how do I cope with Jackson calling every man he sees "da da"? 

I blame the signing DVD's we watch, they all have family segments with mommy, daddy and baby.  So of course he gets the mommy part, he has one of those.  And he gets the baby part, one of his favourite words actually.  But then the daddy part comes on, and apparently all he sees is it's a man... and having nothing in his little world that really fits that, he just thinks every man is called da da.  I know he's seen some daddy's, the other kids at daycare sometimes have their Daddy come get them.  Jackson calls them da da too. 

Not sure entirely how to deal with it, I mean he's a little young to understand the concept.  I can't stop showing him the DVD's, he really likes them, and he learns a lot from them.  I tell him the random men we see when on our walks are not his da da, but as we don't have a dad at home, I think it's going to be hard to really explain.  I'm hoping as he gets older it'll get easier to deal with.  I do have a story I tell, to explain that we have a mommy and me family, with no daddy.  But, I guess he doesn't get it yet. 


DannieA said...

don't freak! My daughter also calls every man that she sees when we are going and coming from daycare "papi".
She calls my dad poppa or papi (because I call my dad 'papi') so I guess she assumes that all men are "papi's". Well....I'm with you that I think this will get easier to explain when they are a bit older. Anyways I also get to explain that grandpa is NOT her "papi" so that should make for fun conversations. And I don't even do the signing DVDs.

Heather D said...

Thanks! I'm glad he's not the only one, it's been a bit embarassing lol. He does call my dad "poppy" because I call my parents nanny & poppy when I'm with them, habit from when my nieces were little. My mom is Na Na though, instead of Nanny, which is also what he calls bananas... kids are so awesome lol, and he's learning so many words, I can't keep up and figure out what they all are. But Dada comes out really clear, he even points to them.